[mythtvnz] Python 3

Stephen Worthington stephen_agent at jsw.gen.nz
Wed Mar 10 02:10:28 GMT 2021

On Wed, 10 Mar 2021 11:46:18 +1300, you wrote:

>Recently decided to make Python 3 the default on my system, since Python 2.7 is officially dead.  The EPG update stopped working.  Is there a Python 3 version of the MythTV module?  Currently working round it by forcing mhegepgsnoop.py to run with python2, but would prefer a 'proper' fix.

That is what I am doing.  I did try making a Python 3 version of
mhegepgsnoop.py but did not get it fully working as I do not
understand the MHEG5 protocol so I did not understand what some of the
code was supposed to be doing.  The problem was that the MHEG-5
standards documents are paywalled - and cost heaps.  But today I did
another search and found one that says it is the final draft of
MHEG-5, which would probably be good enough for me to use.  So I will
have another look at getting mhegepgsnoop.py working with Python 3.

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