[mythtvnz] Freeview DTT restack on 1 May

Stephen Worthington stephen_agent at jsw.gen.nz
Wed Apr 30 17:22:52 BST 2014

On Wed, 30 Apr 2014 21:48:49 +1200, you wrote:

>On Wed, 23 Apr 2014 14:36:54 +1200 (NZST), you wrote:
>>On 1st May there are some changes to the Freeview DTT line up as the clear
>>out the top end of the spectrum for re-use.
>> - ​http://freeviewforum.co.nz/restack2014
>> - ​http://freeviewforum.co.nz/restack2014tech
>>Key changes in Auckland
>> -   Mux 3 Kordia     - 666 MHz -> 602 Mhz
>> -   Ch 16 Al Jazerra - Mediaworks -> WTV
>> -   Ch 20 TVSN       - Kordia -> WTV
>> -   Ch 21 Yes Shop   - Kordia -> WTV
>> -   Ch 24 Te Reo     - Mediaworks -> Kordia
>>There will likely be some SID changes associated with the switch over.
>>Also Trackside is now off air on DTT.
>I have written myself a script to do the restack changes, and I have
>extended it to cover all the locations in the table here:
>If you would like to try using it, you can download it from here:
>  http://www.jsw.gen.nz/mythtv/restack-1-May-2014.sh
>It is written for my setup (Mythbuntu 12.04, MythTV 0.27) but should
>work for other Ubuntu/Debian based systems and older MythTV versions.
>And it should be safe to try on any Linux version as it is only
>read-only unless you give it the "modify" parameter.
>Please let me know if you have any problems with it.

I was hoping that there would not be any changes to the serviceid
values, but now that the restack is happened, I can see that they did
change the serviceids.  So I have put a new version of the script on
my web server (v1.0).  This has worked for me on my box and my
mother's.  There were some bugs in the "modify" section which have
been fixed.  So it should now work for everyone in a location with a
Kordia mux.

However, I am not sure if the serviceid values will be the same for
the locations which have a JDA mux instead of a Kordia mux.  Is there
anyone out there who is receiving from a JDA mux that can let me know
what the new serviceid values are for you?  I have put a copy of the
script I use for scanning the muxes here:


To use it you will need to change the frequencies to those for your
transmitters, adjust the ADAPTER number, and possibly change "scan-s2"
to "scan" if you do not have a copy of scan-s2, which I got from the
TBS drivers here:


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