[mythtvnz] EPG Data for 'niche' channels ?

David Moore dmoo1790 at ihug.co.nz
Wed May 9 08:42:46 BST 2012

On 09/05/12 18:13, Steven Ellis wrote:
> On Mon, April 30, 2012 4:59 pm, Steven Ellis wrote:
>> On Mon, April 30, 2012 3:45 pm, David Moore wrote:
>>> On 30/04/12 11:52, Steven Ellis wrote:
>>>> So who here is using this for the DTT channels?
>>>> I've had a play with mhegepgsnooppy and what I really need is a way to
>>>> provide a mapping file rather than have it probe the MythTV database.
>>>> The
>>>> box i'd usually be running this on has a tuner card, but isn't running
>>>> MythTV.
>>>> Steve
>>> Just uploaded version 0.3.3 with option to specify a channel map file.
>>> File format is two fields per row, tab separated, with MHEG channel name
>>> first and xmltv channel ID second. Only briefly tested so quite likely
>>> buggy.
>> Nice work. Provisional testing worked for me.
>> I generated the mapping file off a channel scan as follows
>> cat ../dtt/dtt.conf  | cut -f 1,13 -d ":" \
>> | sed "s/:/ /g" | sed "s/$/.dvb.guide/g">  mheg.list
>> Then once the card was tuned I could run the EPG grabber and get all the
>> freeview|HD channels.
> OK I still have a minor issue. The generated data doesn't include a GMT
> offset for the times and is confusing the data load.
> For example
>          <programme channel="1407.dvb.guide" start="20120512203000"
> stop="20120512213000">
>                  <title>32 Brinkburn Street</title>
>                  <desc>32 Brinkburn Street has been home to the Ogilvie
> family for generations. Loved by most of its occupants,
> the house will always be a home at the heart of the
> family.</desc>
>                  <episode-num system="dd_progid">TWBS01_01</episode-num>
>                  <rating system="Freeview">
>                          <value>PGR</value>
>                  </rating>
>          </programme>
> VS
> <programme channel="1035.dvb.guide" start="20120511163000 +1200"
> stop="20120511165500 +1200">
>          <title lang="eng">ONE News at 4.30</title>
>          <desc></desc>
>          <category>tvshow</category>
>          <category>News/Current Affairs</category>
>          <!-- Cat:2-0 -->
>          <!-- Unknown rating:0 -->
> </programme>
> Ideally this could be based on the timezone of the host, or could be
> another command line option.
> Sadly the freeview MHEG data isn't based off UMT.
> Steve

UMT? Never heard of it until you mentioned it. Gives me the shudders 
after a quick read on the web. Can't really see why we need it.

Anyway I guess it wouldn't be too hard to include an option to produce 
GMT/UTC times with offsets for NZ timezone.

So instead of
you would get
20120512083000 + 1200.

Is that what you need? Actually I suppose the best thing would be 
options for local time, plain UTC and UTC with offset to specified 
timezone. Make sense?

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