[mythtvnz] Programmes in series being identified as movies

Hadley Rich hads at nice.net.nz
Sun May 23 02:02:40 BST 2010

On Sun, 2010-05-23 at 12:11 +1200, Steven Ellis wrote:
> These IDs are supposed to come from DataDirect, but something else
> must also be populating them.

I believe mythfilldatabase creates them for XMLTV data which includes
season/episode. I'm using the data from nzepg.org which includes some of
this data and see generated programids. They are EP... rather than MV...

> A scan of my database shows I've got over 1400 entries in my Program
> table with a programid starting MV, including shows like The Pacific,
> 30 Rock etc. This really isn't good. 

I've put some SQL at the bottom of this mail showing stats from my
database. From nzepg.org data.

> I'm also wondering if Jamu is in some way involved? 

I don't think so as I use it to, though like I said I don't know much
about Jamu.

Perhaps one of the epgsnoop processors is adding spurious movie category
tags for some reason.


mysql> SELECT name, title FROM program INNER JOIN channel ON
program.chanid = channel.chanid WHERE programid LIKE 'MV%' AND xmltvid
IN ('tv1.freeviewnz.tv', 'tv2.freeviewnz.tv', 'tv3.freeviewnz.tv');
| name | title                  |
| TV 3 | No Country For Old Men |
| TV 2 | Ellie Parker           |
| One  | The Good German        |
| One  | Die Another Day        |
| TV 2 | Joe Dirt               |
| TV 2 | Breakin All The Rules  |
| One  | Die Another Day        |
| TV 2 | Mr Deeds               |
| TV 2 | Breakin All The Rules  |
| TV 2 | Mr Deeds               |
| TV 3 | Patriot Games          |
| TV 3 | Joy Ride               |
| TV 2 | Joe Dirt               |
| TV 3 | Patriot Games          |
| TV 3 | No Country For Old Men |
| One  | The Good German        |
| TV 2 | Ellie Parker           |
| TV 3 | Joy Ride               |
| TV 2 | The Ex                 |
| TV 2 | The Ex                 |
20 rows in set (0.17 sec)

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