[mythtvnz] Advice for encoding ...

Nick Rout nick.rout at gmail.com
Wed May 27 23:41:17 BST 2009

On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 10:05 PM, Jonathan Hoskin
<jonathan.hoskin at gmail.com> wrote:
> I've just given Avidemux a go with todays Hi-5 episode. The morning kids
> programs are good for archiving as they have no intermediary ad breaks. Just
> start and end cruft.
> 1) Avidemux couldn't open HD mpeg-ts files direct from Myth. It just says
> "Could not open file".
> 2) Consequently, I exported a 30 minute HD recording with: HandbrakeCLI -Z
> PS3 -i [File from Myth].mpg -o [File for Avidemux].mp4
>     - Encoding took ~1 hour
> 3) Opened the mp4 file using the Avidemux GUI (Qt4 version for Mac) to set
> the start and end cutpoints, and saved to a new file using the copy option
> for video and audio codecs.
>     - Took about 10 minutes to learn the GUI and complete the edit and
> stream copy. Next time I figure it will take about 3 minutes.
> The file plays back fine. So from a functionality perspective it works as
> required.
> The Avidemux scripting options look like a SEP. If I get around to it I
> might learn them, but the GUI is just so easy to use :)
> Jonathan

I know Hi5 is probably not something you are too worried about
maintaining quality on, but re-encoding twice is not a particularly
good option.

On the avidemux forum there are posts about transport streams not
opening properly. I don't have time to go through all of them right
now. I suspect you need a recent (read development/beta/whatever)

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