[mythtvnz] I now have a skiploopfilter option - updates toPaul's ppa?

Paul Kendall paul at kcbbs.gen.nz
Sat Oct 4 11:10:30 BST 2008

On Saturday 04 October 2008 22:23:18 Andrew Richards wrote:
> So to update: I have done a re-install and went through the steps one at
> a time:
> - Installed off the Mythbuntu 8.04.1 disk and ran setup. Could scan in
> channels using Great Britain settings (although not all, later realised
> I have forgotten to enable amplifier) and watch them but no sound. No
> skiploopfilter option either, so all as expected
> - Let Synaptic run all the updates it wanted and looked again. Now I
> have a NZ tuning option, and a skiploopfilter option! So it has been put
> into a recent update to myth after all. Sound doesn't work of course...
> - Added Paul's PPA and updated. Sound works, however TV3 now is jerky
> again. I have a look at Playback Profiles and the skiploopfilter option
> is gone. Weird.
> - Add mythtv-fixes to sources and updated.  Skiploopfilter comes back
> and TV3 is smooth again.
> So there you go. Looks like one of the main MythTV devs has added
> exactly the feature many of us here need :)
Do you get sound with these fixes?
I'll take a look and see If I can include their (mythbuntu?) patch in my set 
as well.


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