[mythtvnz] Best mythbuntu upgrade path...

Toby Mills toby at np.co.nz
Wed Apr 9 07:59:42 BST 2008

 > I reckon we all need your partner’s email address so that we can 
write in support of your sterling efforts at making a seamless 
transition and to explain that things don’t always go according to plan.

Thanks David, its not as bad as I make it sound.
Basically the deal is so long as I make it as reliable as our neighbours 
MySky, we can keep it.

In her defense, I got off to a very shaky start with dodgy reclaimed 
hardware and myth 0.16 wasnt the most stable application on the block.
I've learnt since then to approach upgrades with cautious optimism :)

Thanks for the feedback all, think i'll give 8.04 a go.
I'll report back on how well it goes.
The upgrade also includes adding another 500Gb HDD to prepare for HD.


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