[mythtvnz] KM R5E50 out, and MythMusic problems

AlanP mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Tue, 09 Jan 2007 14:50:42 +1300

At 02:14 p.m. 9/01/2007, you wrote:
>>For some reason, when I upgraded the ONLY problem I had is that MythMusic
>>doesn't recognise ANY of my mp3s at all. Not a one. I checked the KM
>>forums, no solutions listed. One, touch'ing the mp3s to update the
>>timestamps, that failed. None of my settings for MythMusic have changed at
>>all from .19 R5C7.
>>Does anyone know why none of my music is getting listed at all?
>I know the database schema for Mythmusic changed radically with 0.20, 
>perhaps a problem with the db upgrade? Have you spotted anything in the logs?

Nothing in the main Myth log, and I can't find any logs for mythmusic at 
all. Also, I tried deleting a few rows from the db for the music 
collection, but it wouldn't pick up the songs I removed from the db. (On 
reflection that's a bit strange, that the music is all in the database, but 
isn't displaying in MythMusic at all.)

On a semi-related note, what's an easy way of deleting tons of rows from a 
table without deleting the table at all? Because doing it through webmin is 
dead slow.


Alan Podjursky                  ICQ 24423014
"Yay, evil evil! Happy torture!" -- Gwyneth
"When in doubt, use brute force." -- Ken Thompson