[mythtvnz] Setting Tone on Mythtv

David Zanetti dave2 at wetstring.net
Mon Dec 3 03:42:30 GMT 2007

On Mon, 2007-12-03 at 14:13 +1300, Dean Pemberton wrote:
> *Sigh*
> I wish I knew.  I have an 8 port switch which is a boat anchor if I 
> can't get this going =)
> There is a "Tone" switch which you can set up in Myth under the DiSEqC 
> section but I think this means "Toneburst" not 22kHz tone.
> If someone else can shed some light on this I would be greatfull.

I had toneswitch working with the DiSEqC topology stuff in MythTV, so I
could switch to 156E on the new Sky LNB. 

It didn't make much sense to be until I had a good look at the options
and realised I needed to define each switch point (including tone-based
switches), and then the LNBs off each port of the switch.

Sadly, I don't have that setup any more, but it definitely used to work,
because I could get test cards from 156E by just choosing that channel
in the front-end.

David Zanetti <dave2 at wetstring.net>
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