[mythtvnz] Canwest transponder now active

Guy Lowe mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Fri, 27 Apr 2007 03:54:37 +1200

I haven't had a chance to play around with it myself, but I have a 
feeling that the 'crop' video filter (see 
http://www.mythtv.org/docs/mythtv-HOWTO.html#toc10.4) is a much cleaner 
solution than just changing the aspect ratio. However, as far as I can 
tell there's still no way to set it per-channel, and recordings are 
still transcoded with the borders.

Perhaps the solution would be to run mencoder -vop crop (or similar) as 
user jobs, one per input format:output format mapping? Even better would 
be a simple script to use cropdetect to find the actual video dimensions 
and crop that out, which would mean that only one user job slot would be 
taken up.

Obviously this wouldn't work for LiveTV or watching recordings before 
the job has finished, but it seems to be a start.


Daniel McKenzie wrote:
> Steven Ellis wrote:
>> Selected programs (especially Music Videos) are transmitting as 4:3 
>> inside
>> 16:9 rather than being flagged as 16:9.
>> This will annoy both 16:9 and 4:3 owners.
>> 16:9 sets can't stretch the picure to fit the screen like they did before
>> as the TV things it has a 16:9 picutre
>> 4:3 owners are left with a tiny picture a loads of black borders
> Yes. However I was playing around with the MythTV settings last night.
> Fill seems to work for 4:3 sets as it doesn't appear to distort the 
> images on One/2 or 3/4 from what I can tell, which seems to be against 
> what the mode title suggests.
> 16:9 stretch appears to stretch the image further, so any shows that are 
> broadcast in 4:3 with the black bars can be stretched out to fit 16:9 
> again.
> All the other modes distort the image, or make 3/4 look fine, while 
> making One/2 distorted. Oh, if only we could set modes specifically for 
> each channel.
> Haven't seen what this does to MythDVD or MythVideo though.
> - Daniel
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