[mythtvnz] Help spending my brothers $5K on MythTV

Steve Hodge mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Fri, 24 Feb 2006 12:39:53 +1300

On 2/24/06, Gary Te Young <gary@athomedownunder.com> wrote:
> >The impression I had was 5K for MythTV system, TV and surround sound
> >system. If that includes an LCD or plasma TV there isn't going to be
> >much left for MythTV.
> Sorry, my mistake.  So it's actually about $1.5K-2K on a MythTV system (l=
> the TV and surround sound).  The oem version of the PVR-150 is about $130=
> ascent.co.nz which isn't too much difference for hardware encoding vs
> software encoding.  I really do recommend the hw encoding approach.

Yeah, you lot have convinced me about the PVR-150. I'll probably pick
one up myself at some point.

I'm not sure what sort of AV setup Paul has in mind, but 5K isn't
really much even for just that so the MythTV budget could end up quite
low. A minimum spec 42" plasma is 3K and even a 32" LCD would be
around $2500. You can get really cheap home theatre audio systems but
if you want to do the job properly you're probably looking at $2000+.
I've spent about $4500 on audio and it was worth every cent. Of course
if you're only interested in TV then home theatre sound isn't really
necessary, but even then a good stereo system will make a huge
difference to the overall experience.
