[mythtvnz] Manipulating Program Guide Information

Nick Rout mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Thu, 23 Feb 2006 11:30:40 +1300

On Thu, 23 Feb 2006 09:13:02 +1300
Toby Mills wrote:

> Has anyone thought of writing a web interface to the EPG data? You could
> send a query to a web page and it would only return the channels you
> wanted. We could also introduce some extra smarts and store information
> such as categories etc and munge them into the XML for programs that are
> on every week. Might be some copyright issues but it should be fine if
> its kept under the radar.
> I might have a crack at it if this sounds useful although I don't have
> enough bandwidth to serve everyone with it.
> Would people be prepared to assist with categorising common programs? 
> If there was a simple web interface with a list of all unique program
> names it wouldn't take long to categorise them.
> This would have to be a group effort rather than a private burdon for
> one person to maintain.
> It could also strip out the dumb listings that start with Movie: and
> automatically categorise them as Movies.
> Cheers
> Toby

IMHO this is a bad idea. The feeds available are small enough to
download daily.

If you want a service that will only download certain channels, try the
xmltvnz program available from http://www.reven.co.nz/ , but it is a web
site scraper and involves a substantail amount of downloading anyway
(downloading a whole s   k    y  page and munging it into xml is less
efficient than just downloading zipped xml)

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Nick Rout <nick@rout.co.nz>