[mythtvnz] Manipulating Program Guide Information

Toby Mills mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Thu, 23 Feb 2006 09:13:02 +1300

Has anyone thought of writing a web interface to the EPG data? You could
send a query to a web page and it would only return the channels you
wanted. We could also introduce some extra smarts and store information
such as categories etc and munge them into the XML for programs that are
on every week. Might be some copyright issues but it should be fine if
its kept under the radar.

I might have a crack at it if this sounds useful although I don't have
enough bandwidth to serve everyone with it.
Would people be prepared to assist with categorising common programs? 
If there was a simple web interface with a list of all unique program
names it wouldn't take long to categorise them.
This would have to be a group effort rather than a private burdon for
one person to maintain.
It could also strip out the dumb listings that start with Movie: and
automatically categorise them as Movies.
