[mythtvnz] Manipulating Program Guide Information

Steve Hodge mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Thu, 23 Feb 2006 11:38:50 +1300

On 2/23/06, Toby Mills <toby@np.co.nz> wrote:
> Has anyone thought of writing a web interface to the EPG data? You could
> send a query to a web page and it would only return the channels you
> wanted.

Well, I still don't see extra channels in the data as being a problem...

> We could also introduce some extra smarts and store information
> such as categories etc and munge them into the XML for programs that are
> on every week. Might be some copyright issues but it should be fine if
> its kept under the radar.

Getting category data from somewhere would be great. However I'm
getting my EPG data via a DVB-S card and I wouldn't want to go back to
downloading it even to get it with categories. How about a web based
query service that returns the category for a particular title?

> Would people be prepared to assist with categorising common programs?
> If there was a simple web interface with a list of all unique program
> names it wouldn't take long to categorise them.

I'd be willing to help. I'm not so sure about your "wouldn't take
long" assertion though - right now my MythTV database has 1734
distinct program titles :-)
