[mythtvnz] MythTV integration

phlux0r mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Mon, 14 Aug 2006 15:15:41 +1200

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Craig Box wrote:
<blockquote cite="mid003801c6bf4b$9f28c720$9900070a@itpartners.co.nz"
  <blockquote type="cite">
    <pre wrap="">Steve, have you tried installing Amarok onto a Knoppmyth 
installation? I know it's reliant on KDE so it would 
require a lot of KDE libraries and suchlike but is it possible?
  <pre wrap=""><!---->
I just looked at yammi (I've seen amarok before) - none of these things are
really designed to be driven with a remote control.  The best idea I've had
is to have a small separate computer with a touch screen or mouse to do the
queueing of songs (have you seen a video jukebox at a pub?  They're about
the best interface for that kind of thing I've seen), and mfd/mfe should let
you do that by creating a playlist, which you could even do with iTunes

Is there a good non-Myth, remote control only, music player?  Desktops and
TVs are very different creatures.

Hm, going with that idea, I'd say you could have a PDA type (web)
application and use that to select songs/playlists on a wireless
network. That's probably the smallest kind of computer you can have, eh
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"While I thought that I was learning to live,
I have been learning how to die." 

Leonardo DaVinci</pre>