[mythtvnz] MythTV integration

phlux0r mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Mon, 14 Aug 2006 14:32:05 +1200

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      <pre wrap="">Music wise the MythMusic plug in is basic but enough for most people.

    <pre wrap="">I suppose I use yammi because I have extensively sorted my music with it
already, and now that the effort has paid off, why go backwards?
  <pre wrap=""><!---->
Always the way.. Why don't you ship X as it is my favorite program for
doing Y. I'm open to suggestions, but where possible try to stick to the
MythTV core as sudden application changes that have different navigation
confuses customers.

Steve, have you tried installing Amarok onto a Knoppmyth installation?
I know it's reliant on KDE so it would require a lot of KDE libraries
and suchlike but is it possible? If so, there are Amarok web plugins
that can make it controllable from any machine on a local network and
Amarok is really good (IMHO).<br>
  <pre wrap="">My biggest want is menu support in the MythTV internal DVD player rather
than using Xine or MPlayer.

That sounds like a great suggestion. Btw, you were mentioning the
lircrc settings, do you have a decent mapping for the xine/mplayer
functions for the Hauppauge PVR150 remote? Especially, the Xine DVD
menu navigation... :)<br>
Thanks, Robert<br>
  <pre wrap="">Steve

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