[mythtvnz] Getting xmlTVNZ to work with Mono

phlux0r mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Fri, 11 Aug 2006 16:37:45 +1200

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I've got mono running fine on my Knoppmyth box. I downloaded the Linux
installer for x86 from the mono website
(<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://www.mono-project.com/Downloads">http://www.mono-project.com/Downloads</a>) and just installed it as user
mythtv. I created a symlink to the mono binary in the /usr/bin dir for
convenience. Haven't had any problems.<br>
Craig Box wrote:
<blockquote cite="mid005a01c6bcf9$6cb15f40$9900070a@itpartners.co.nz"
  <blockquote type="cite">
    <pre wrap="">As I understand it there is more than one implementation of mono. On
gentoo I have emerged the package simply called mono from
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://www.go-mono.com/">http://www.go-mono.com/</a> (its in portage). It works with xmlTVNZ.exe,
there is no package in portage called mono-web.   

I looked on my knoppmyth installation and the package repository at
packages.debian.org for mono packages, but came away very confused. 
  <pre wrap=""><!---->
Mono is an implementation of the .NET framework.  There is only one of Mono.

It's not in Debian yet, so check out <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://pkg-mono.alioth.debian.org/">http://pkg-mono.alioth.debian.org/</a> -
there are backports for Sarge at backports.org, but I assume knoppmyth comes
from unstable sources.

I believe Mono will be available in Etch; it is available in Ubuntu as well,
but that doesn't help you much with KnoppMyth.


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