[mythtvnz] DVB-S Setup?

Wade Maxfield mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Mon, 19 Dec 2005 09:43:55 +1300

>On Thu, 2005-12-15 at 19:58 +1300, Wade Maxfield wrote:
>>  With your prompting, I checked out the Lyngsat Optus site, and then
>>  tried the 12456 Freq.
>>  Trying -p h made no difference initially.
>>  The error rate you refer to is the Bit error rate, right?
>>  What I have figured out is that if I run dvbtune and get a high error
>>  rate, let it run for a few seconds, kill it, then run it again, it
>>  will now have a very low error rate.  And doing a scan -c ,with the
>>  low error rate, works as well.  So I can use 12456 or 12483 for the
>>  frequency.
>Hmm.. strange. That's going to be interesting to get going with MythTV
>then, I think it tends to assume it tunes on the first shot.

With more playing it seems that once I've got a low error rate, 
switching between 12456 or 12483 stays with a low error rate.  It 
looks like the high error rate is only on the first or second time I 
tune after a restart.  So I think Myth should be safe with it's 
assumption, particularly if I add some form of false tuning to my 
startup process.

>  > Now I'm stuck on the EPG.  From
>  > http://pvr.geek.nz/w/index.php/Listings I running the script one line
>>  at a time to see what it's doing.
>>  When I do the tv_grab_dvb bit I get an
>>  # tv_grab_dvb -s -o 12 > /tmp/listings-$$.xml
>>  DMX_SET_FILTER:: Invalid argument
>>  ./tv_grab_dvb: Unable to get event data from multiplex.
>>  I think I must have missed something, but I can't figure it out for
>>  the life of me...
>The card has to be open and tuned when you run tv_grab_dvb. The & on the
>end of dvbstream is critical.
>I'd leave dvbstream running in another window if you're doing it by

I was doing that, and watching what it does.  The output from dvbstream is

[root@mythtv mythtv]# dvbstream -s 22500 -o:/dev/null -f 1156 -p v -n 60 8192
dvbstream v0.5 - (C) Dave Chapman 2001-2004
Released under the GPL.
Latest version available from http://www.linuxstb.org/
Using DVB card "ST STV0299 DVB-S"
tuning DVB-S to L-Band:1, Pol:V Srate=22500000, 22kHz=off
ERROR setting tone
: Invalid argument
Getting frontend event
Getting frontend event
Event:  Frequency: 11756224
         SymbolRate: 22500000
         FEC_inner:  3

Bit error rate: 162
Signal strength: 51825
SNR: 53172
MAP 0, file /dev/null: From -1 secs, To -1 secs, 0 PIDs -
Setting filter for PID 8192
Streaming 1 stream

And it just sits there with "Streaming 1 stream" for as long as I leave it.

Then in another window, I run
# tv_grab_dvb -s -o 12 > /tmp/listings-$$.xml

I get the DMX_SET_FILTER:: Invalid argument error.

If I run it again straight afterward I get
[root@mythtv mythtv]# tv_grab_dvb -s -o 12 > /tmp/listings-$$.xml

tv_grab_dvb: No tzap channels.conf to produce channel 
infoDMX_SET_FILTER:: Invalid argument
tv_grab_dvb: Unable to get event data from multiplex.

Do you have a tzap channels.conf I can grab?

>Also, MythTV will soon have an integrated DVB EPG data parser that
>doesn't require anything being run at all, just tick the channel as one
>you want guide data for, and it'll gather it entirely in the background.
>No more silly scripts :)

Roll on.  Any ideas on how long soon is?  8)

  - Wade