[IEE EC3 News] EC3 Lecture reminder - 3D Reconstruction and Material Identification using few X-ray Images - 25 February 2010

Bill Pechey bpechey at cix.compulink.co.uk
Mon Feb 22 10:49:24 GMT 2010

Dear Colleague,

You are being sent this reminder message because either you gave your
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I have appended the details of our next lecture and hope to see you there.

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Best wishes,

Bill Pechey
IET Thames Valley Specialised Section


3D Reconstruction and Material Identification using few X-ray Images

Simant Prakoonwit, University of Reading

X-ray has been a popular imaging modality widely used in medical,
industrial and security applications. In conventional X-ray imaging,
objects are superimposed onto a 2D image, so it is difficult to
accurately find the shapes and positions of objects in 3D or to
identify the materials of which they are made.

Computer Tomography (CT) has been used for 2D cross-sectional images
and 3D reconstruction, but this requires many views, meaning a large
dose of radiation, and its scanning geometry is unsuitable for many
applications. Are there any methods using fewer views to replace CT
producing acceptable results, so we can for instance reconstruct bones
in 3D, detect a bomb in a suitcase or investigate a whole cluttered
lorry? Some existing alternative techniques and some new possible
solutions will be discussed.

This event is free of charge and open to all, with refreshments at 19.00. 

Contact: Dr Richard Mitchell  rjmitchell at theiet.org

Thursday 25 February 2010 19.00 for 19.30

Palmer Building, University of Reading RG6 6UR

For directions please visit:

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