[IEE EC3 News] Message from Chairman of IEE Thames Valley Specialised Section

R.J.Mitchell r.j.mitchell@reading.ac.uk
Wed, 24 Oct 2001 16:30:38 +0100 (GMT Daylight Time)


If you are a recipient of this email you have either attended a lecture
organised by the EC^3 the Specialised Section for Electronics, Control,
Computing and Communication, of the Thames Valley IEE, or asked
for information about such lectures.

These lectures are organised by a small, jovial committee of people
interested in topics in the areas of electronics, computing, communication
or control. We meet three times a year and organise 5 or 6 lectures, and
we entertain all our speakers together at a dinner. This year a couple of
our members have retired and we are looking for replacements, people who
are prepared to give up three evenings in a year and who are willing to
suggest topics for lectures and if appropriate to find a speaker for the

If you feel you would like to join us, please contact me. Many thanks.

In addition, to help publicise our lectures and our activities we are
working on a web site, which will be integrated with the IEE site. As you
may know, the IEE have recently redone their site, and have decided that
there will be a new format for local branch sites: however the template
for the new format is not yet available, so at the moment we have a
temporary site, with links to the old local branch sites, at:


Do have a look.

Richard Mitchell
Chairman of EC^3

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