[HTS-members] Heathrow and more

HTS Secretary secretary at taplowsociety.org.uk
Tue Mar 5 15:43:38 GMT 2019


Nigel Smales and I attended the Heathrow Airport consultation in the
Nicolson centre. This was run by Heathrow Airport itself, whereas the
earlier consultations were government led.

Not a great deal has changed and flight paths are still not published. When
they are that is when we will see the real impact on Taplow.


There were a lot of sensible proposals concerning alternating uses of the
runways, both directionally and timing-wise to ameliorate and spread impact.
However most of these are of interest only closer to the airport.


The comments made earlier by ourselves do not seem to have had any impact.
The design principles that Heathrow list include (6b) "minimising the number
of people newly overflown". This sounds nice until you re-phrase it as:

"If you are presently overflown you will experience all the increase in


The other principal of concern to Taplow  is (6f) "Minimising total
population overflown", which is a recipe for sending it all over Taplow
rather than widening the route corridors.


There is a general claim that new technologies will give much greater
control over the precision of flight paths. This was poorly presented as
showing a wide distribution of paths within a corridor moving to a single
narrow line, which won't be nice if your house is under it. However, in
reality, as all airlines use different versions of systems to comply, there
will still hopefully be appreciable spread.


Sing for the Trees Saturday 9th March, 2-4pm, Old Priory Gardens


Next Saturday you are invited to join a celebration of trees in Old Priory

The event, led by Zoe Hatch and Songs of Evolution, is in support of
'TreeSisters: women seeding change' 

Details in the attachment.


Most of the planning applications we have commented on are still pending and
in the last month there have been no new applications in Taplow. Have we
frightened off the developers??


Roger Worthington, Secretary




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