[GNUz] Re: Last night and future meetings (more spleen)

Sue McGaw gnuz@inode.co.nz
Thu, 15 Feb 2007 13:33:31 +1300

I think it is very useful to have an open meeting where a number of 
topics are covered,
 Also a venue where new people can learn useful skills.
There is much potential for small businesses, especially in the 
horticultural and agricultural sector, to
i) be aware of microsoft alternatives, and ii) to use those alternatives.

At Gnuz we have a venue for people to bring an open mind, and to learn, 
or to learn what steps to to take next.

Also, there are a lot of computer users out there who dont have huge 
requirements as end users, email, document writing, spreadsheets, 
keeping files and informastion safe.
or maybe just having a large music file, as the teenagers do whom I know 
use Ubuntu.
 These are simple requirements and easily met, without huge microsoft 

 I endorse anyone who is out there to give of their time  and effort 
freely to help meet the above needs.
 instead of garage huddling, there  are two south christchurch public 
venues for learning.

as for nomenclature, where credit is due, then give it. the main thing i 
believe is to promote an alternative to a on-going tied-in often-costly 
As for cows,do we increase the milk production by annual planting of 
grass that doesnt reproduce, ie. is sterile? or do we look for longer 
term naturally thriving productive  grass species? and possibly 
alternative crops?
Sue McGaw
