[GNUz] Free/Open-Source Software lessons +AGM
Rik Tindall
Tue, 20 Feb 2007 17:24:40 +1300
start tomorrow evening:
7.30-9.30pm at the South Learning Centre - South Christchurch Library,
66 Colombo Street, Beckenham - third Wednesday monthly, Feb-Nov.
We run, and give out, the Ubuntu GNU/Linux Live/OpenCD (has WinXX apps
too) - answering O/S queries and imparting configuration knowledge for
Newcomers most welcome; extra tutors of the Ubuntu platform too.
This gathering also serves as the GNU/Linux Users' Annual General
Meeting, so bring your .02c about what you'd like to see happen for
2007, to help shape the group too.
Rik Tindall