[GNUz] Aotearoa Indymedia Convergence 2007

Danyl Strype gnuz@inode.co.nz
Mon, 22 Jan 2007 17:17:06 +1300

Kia ora

This email is an open invitation to Aotearoa media activists to =20
participate in the Aotearoa Indymedia Convergence 2007. The =20
Convergence will be held in Tamaki Makaurau (Auckland), 2-4 February =20
2007. For more details of venue and programme as they are confirmed =20
please join our general email list: =20

or keep an eye on these wiki pages: =20

Indymedia is a global network of volunteer-run working groups that =20
create and maintain a range of projects designed to allow grassroots =20
activists and community organisers to 'become the media'. Being part =20
of a larger network with agreed operating principles potentially =20
allows media activists to rival the global reach and resources of the =20
corporate media without losing our autonomy, our ability as =20
individuals and groups to control our own tools and direct our own =20
work. The Principles of Unity that define how Indymedia works can be =20
read here: http://indymedia.org.nz/mod/info/display/principles/index.php

One of these principles is that Indymedia activity is organised in a =20
transparent and inclusive way and the current crew of Aotearoa =20
Indymedia volunteers would be thrilled to see new faces (or the return =20
of those who have been involved in the past) at this year's =20
Convergence. The network stays healthier and more dynamic with a =20
regular in-flow of new volunteers. It's also helpful to get feedback =20
and ideas about the way Indymedia is evolving from people working in =20
activism and independent media who don't currently wish to be actively =20
involved in Indymedia organising.

The purpose of this event is to create space for a range of people =20
involved in independent media in Aotearoa to:
* meet each other and learn about each other's projects
* shares skills
* discuss issues affecting media freedom and access
* brainstorm strategy and tactics for what we can do to make media =20
that allow communities to share their stories rather than media that =20
broadcasts the profit-motivated propaganda of corporations and their =20

Some discussion will be focused on reviewing the work that has been =20
done in the development of the Aotearoa Independent Media Centre (IMC) =20
over the last 5 years including:
* the open-publishing news website at http://aotearoa.indymedia.org
* establishment of country-wide working groups (eg radio and video)
* establishment of local groups to connect us with active communities =20
and carry out projects like film screenings and the W(i)ndy print =20

There will also opportunities to talk about how existing and potential =20
Indymedia tools could help media activists achieve their own =20
organisational goals and to plan collaborations and new projects for =20
2007 and beyond.

A number of practical workshops and discussion sessions have already =20
been proposed but the programme will be as flexible as possible so if =20
you would like to present a workshop or facilitate a discussion, =20
please email imc-aotearoa@lists.indymedia.org with details.

Whether or not you are able to come to the Convergence you are welcome =20
to be part of Indymedia by:
* posting article, comments or multimedia on the AIM site
* joining or starting a local group
* joining local, national and international Indymedia email lists
* chatting on the irc server at http://chat.indymedia.org.
* contributing to our wiki at https://docs.indymedia.org/view/Aotearoa/

Please pass this invite on to others in your group and networks who =20
might be interested.

Enoho ra
Danyl Strype

"But libertarians do not defend the right of people to smash holes in the hu=
of a crowded ship, or to let off bombs in city centres. Freedom does not
include the freedom to trash the habitat we all depend on for survival."
- Johann Hari, Independent, 5.9.06

mobile: 021 11 77 578
Community Access News: http://www.indymedia.org.nz/
Artist Rights: http://www.creativecommons.org/

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