[GNUz] [Fwd: [SFD-TC] Fwd: Tshirts and balloons sent!]

Nick Rout gnuz@inode.co.nz
Wed, 30 Aug 2006 23:08:45 +1200

On Wed, 30 Aug 2006 20:01:14 +1200
Rik Tindall <ask@infohelp.co.nz> wrote:

> Kia ora Pia, SFD, GNUz,
> We already run at a LOSS each year, in hosting this local event. We 
> can't accept people adding to it uninvited, in an unorganised manner. So 
> if that's a LOSS as in 'no free T-shirts this year', then it's a 'sorry, 
> no thanks.'
> SFD advertised these Ts at AUD$20 each - $15 with team discount. We 
> ordered seven ($105), and got charged USD$. I've raised this on the two 
> forum/mail-lists available, with no reply as yet. Paypal billed us 
> AUD$136.82, which my credit card company then converted into NZD$167.21. 
> So none of our nine Ts are yet 'free'.
> In our country, there's a law against this - called 'misleading 
> advertising' - under which we're due a refund of (at least) AUD$31.82. 
> But you can happily keep this, if we get two extra Ts (mM & mL would do) 
> in our kit - that makes eleven SFD T-shirts our team is due. We are not 
> happy in wearing this as an increased LOSS.

NZ$167 for seven t-shirts, thats about $24 each, hell I'll pay $25 for mine if you like. If theres any refund, you keep it for "the cause".

Lets get over it. You have a linux business Rik, so no doubt you will be getting a deduction, and no doubt publicity for your business too.

As I said, I like orange ;-)