[GNUz] GNU/Linux ...

Jim Cheetham gnuz@inode.co.nz
Fri, 2 Jul 2004 21:58:00 +1200

On Jul 2, 2004, at 9:40 PM, InfoHelp wrote:
> Oh.. so this is the bog-GNU-down-with-obfuscation-list

Well, I don't agree with the "GNU/Linux" position, even though I use 
Debian (who do agree with it, even though RMS dismisses them as 
"non-free") as my primary Linux OS. I do think that a "pure GPL" 
distribution would be more practical, and more in agreement with the 
spirit of free-libre software.

Although there are good arguments to say that the GPL itself is overly 
restrictive, and that a true Public Domain system is far freer, it is 
possibly true that "the (software) world is not yet ready for true 

I think that there should be room for discussion, and that this would 
be a good forum for that, rather than the "more technical" CLUG.

> ..and I thought it was for finding its zest - which nurtured "Linux" & 
> brought us together here.

Linux has zest, and many Open Source projects have zest ... the GNU 
project needed to do the "boring" groundwork, and they have done it 
exceptionally well. I just don't think that they have much zest left. 
you have zest? Enthuse us!

It's always been true that not everyone agrees with the FSF/GNU 
position. This is not a bad thing - just because people disagree 
doesn't mean that they can't work together.

This list will be what the subscribers make it, of course. At the 
moment there are only a small number. Attract more :-) and the list 
will change. Consider having a charter - as far as I'm concerned, this 
list exists because you (i.e. Rik) wanted a pro-GNU community, and a 
number of others agreed in principal. I'm hosting and operating it, but 
not "running" it. Do you want webspace? A wiki? Just ask, and I'll do 
it ...
