Dis-Integrated circuit ...

Jim Cheetham jim at gonzul.net
Sun Jun 16 21:40:39 BST 2019


This is close to my ideas for a possible future version of the OneRNG -
abandon the un-inspectable SoC, and make a simpler/more tamper-evident
machine. But there are downsides that the monster6502 illustrates - size,
possibly power consumption, and speed.

The 6502 has around 3500 transistors; the CC2531 is ... well, I can't find
it, but it'll probably be a couple of orders of magnitude bigger, even if
we're not using all of it ...

We've already established that raw speed isn't a necessary goal for the
OneRNG, but if we have to get significantly larger than a USB stick package
we'll be getting in to a desktop 'black box', which is difficult to use in
a server context - until we get to 1U rack size!

And of course the price will go up along with this ...

So perhaps not a practical goal ...

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