[onerng talk] An update ....

Peter Gutmann pgut001 at cs.auckland.ac.nz
Sun Apr 13 10:00:52 BST 2014

So I'm now the proud owner of a OneRNG prototype (thanks Paul!).  However,
under Windows it comes up as an unknown device, and writing a Windows driver
for this is going to be... painful.  OS X support will presumably be just as
much of a headache.  Given that lots of things (e.g. barcode scanners) just
emulate an HID device to get around this problem, what about making it an HID
device, which guarantees instant usability on different systems?  You'd need
to define a HID descriptor for the RNG's report protocol and then it should be
(in theory) automatically supported under Windows, OS X, and others.

(This is theoretically straightforward but in practice requires quite a bit of
knowledge of how HID works, so the easiest way to get it done would be to find
someone who already knows this stuff and see if they could contribute a bit of
their time rather than trying to DIY).


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