More updates

Paul Campbell paul at
Tue Apr 29 04:47:37 BST 2014

I'm getting back to working on this project after all the disruption of 
travelling to China - now I know where to start to build 1000 if I need to - 
the thing that really scared me about Kickstarter was actually being 
successful - I got to hang out with a bunch of people who'd had to deal with 
exactly that problem and had washed up in Shenzhen.

I've just pushed a new  set of documentation to:

main changes here are some pretty pictures, and an initial windows .inf file - 
at this point it works for me on Win7 (the only thing I've tested) - so far 
all it does is lets me talk to the device with hyperterminal, we don't have an 
app to copy entropy into the kernel yet. Max, the guy who's also been playing 
with this, has been having different experiences from me so Windows may be very 
iffy, if you do have problems reproducing what I've gotten going let me know, I 
have a minor firmware tweak (the USB descriptors)  I'll do a device swap with 

I still have more Beta units looking for good homes ....


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