[chbot] Rigol DS1052E Encoders

Volker Kuhlmann list57 at top.geek.nz
Thu Jun 6 03:07:15 BST 2024

Reliable contacts cost money and stuff isn't made any more like in the
1980s. Especially when it comes from Aliexpress. Twiddle knobs (rotary
encoders...) are probably particularly bad because the contacts have a
high use. I'm not sure dirt is the primary cause of the problem, I'd
expect wear. Contact bounce increases with contact age and they probably
didn't bother doing proper de-bounce in the firmware.

The best fix is to replace. If that is difficult (access, fitting
replacement part) a 10nF (or whatever is needed) capacitor will help
hugely. The downside likely is that the wear on the contacts increases
because they short the capacitor.


Volker Kuhlmann
http://volker.top.geek.nz/	Please do not CC list postings to me.

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