[chbot] Rigol DS1052E Encoders

Robin Gilks gb7ipd at gmail.com
Mon Jun 3 04:48:09 BST 2024

I had the same problem on my Owon DS7102 'scope. I fixed mine by putting
10nF caps across the encoder pins. Sometimes it doesn't change as cleanly
as when new but it no longer jumps all over the place due to dirty contacts
causing switch bounce.

On Sun, Jun 2, 2024 at 1:02 PM Charles Manning <cdhmanning at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sun, Jun 2, 2024 at 12:28 PM Marshland Engineering <
> marshland at marshland.co.nz> wrote:
>> My oscilloscope has become almost unusable. The encoders are just not
>> working
>> correctly and jumping all over the place.
>> (I realized that you are all very smart so I have to correct the above)
>> The encoders are just not working correctly and the signal is jumping all
>> over
>> the place.  GEEK STUFF HAHA See below.
>> There are a few posts but the solution varies, Firmware downgrade, New
>> encoders and remove grease from encoders.
>> Thinking about it now, as they were working and now in time could have
>> deteriorated, the grease may be an option.
>> I'm sure others here have had similar problems with their encoders and
>> what
>> did you do about it?
>> If you have a Rigol and did replace the encoders what and where did you
>> get
>> them ?
> I have one of those, but it has not malfunctioned. It is now my backup
> scope.
> I don't know for sure, but I would suspect that it is a quadrature encoder
> switch set up which can be replaced pretty much by any other quadrature
> encoder with the same pin out. It is thus most likely just finding
> something that fits mechanically rather than being anything special.
> Maybe something along the lines of:
> https://www.aliexpress.com/item/10000056483250.html
> These typically have a 3 pin side - the two encoder inputs + a common
> connector in the centre (normally ground), then quite often a two pin
> connector on the other side that is just a press to make switch for when
> you push the knob inwards.
> I have had an encoder fail in the past that was fixed by stripping it and
> giving it a good clean. Lots of fiddly bits though. Generally it is
> probably easier and better to replace them.
>> Soo frustrating.
>> PS I have been diagnosed with both Autism and ADHD at 66. Now a lot of my
>> life
>> has started to make sense.
>> If you want to take the test, (business owners and engineers are high on
>> the
>> scale)  try
>> https://add.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/adhd-questionnaire-ASRS111.pdf
>> And
>> https://psychology-tools.com/test/autism-spectrum-quotient
>> I say this, as one of the ways you find out about being autistic, is a
>> complete melt down/burnout. That was me last year. Really not very
>> pleasant
>> but I have learned a lot about myself.
> Embrace the superpower!
> Having the knowledge does help you avoid some situations which are more
> likely to result in melt-down and/or "unacceptable" behaviour.
>> Cheers Wallace.
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