[chbot] Lazy and Blue tooth

Daniel Powell danielvieway at hotmail.com
Sun Dec 10 01:31:37 GMT 2023

While there are thousands of ways about doing the same thing....

I'm more familiar with the ESP32 platform, which has inbuilt Bluetooth, Wifi LR, and ESPNow LR (a Long Range point to point wifi freq network).
I'd simply use the ESP to host a website and use a phone browser to display the page or many pages.

Great tutorial here, although there are better gauge libraries for data logging/display.



-----Original Message-----
From: Chchrobotics <chchrobotics-bounces at lists.ourshack.com> On Behalf Of Mark Atherton
Sent: Sunday, December 10, 2023 12:55 PM
To: chchrobotics at lists.ourshack.com
Subject: Re: [chbot] Lazy and Blue tooth

The pinch-point for the project may be the phone/PC application. Phones tend to have BT built in, but how are you going to support BT on a PC (or do you mean a laptop ?).

Start off by writing a decent specification for the phone/PC end so you can clearly see what you are trying to achieve.

B4X may be useful start - multi-platform (phone, PC), free, and with support forums. There should be BT examples.

There is a low cost BT module called the HC05 - it might do what you want from the 328 end of things but may need another async port. Again, how is this going to connect ?

The ESP32 supports BT, so have you considered migrating from a 328 ?

Interested to know where you go with this project.


On 12/10/2023 12:04 PM, Marshland Engineering wrote:
> I have developed an EGT and CHT display for 2 strokes. Easy to see
> when riding the bike. Uses an ATMEG328 Never having use Bluetooth
> before, I not sure where to start in getting the data to a phone or
> PC.
> Basically All I want is to transmit 2 analog signals to a phone/PC.
> Not sure whether to do it live or the ATMEG saves the info and
> connects and downloads later.
> A pointer in the right direction would be great.
> Thanks Wallace.
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