[chbot] Borrow Saab Tech2 scanner (or equivalent)

robitics at waghornswood.net.nz robitics at waghornswood.net.nz
Sat Aug 12 03:46:04 BST 2023

On Fri, 11 Aug 2023 16:14:11 +1200
Robin Gilks <gb7ipd at gmail.com> wrote:

> This morning I tried to start my Saab 93 but the battery was just a bit too
> low.
> I put another battery on it but now it reports "Steering lock malfunction"
> when the key is inserted and the key won't turn.
> Three possible culprits:
>    1. ISM - Ignition Switch Module
>    2. CIM - Column Integration Module
>    3. SCL - Steering Column Lock
> The ISM sees the key, tells the CIM which checks the key code and then asks
> the SCL to unlock the steering. If the SCL is happy it reports back to the
> CIM which then unlocks the key so it can turn (which in turns allows the
> gearshift to be unlocked and get it out of Park - can't even tow it!!)
> Done the usual of checking fuses but 2 standouts
>    1. The steering is unlocked with no key (normally locked when the key
>    removed)
>    2. No key error (i.e the key code is OK)
> This makes me think that the SCL has physically failed in the unlock
> position but as you can imagine it is not the easiest of things to remove.
> I'd like to scan for error codes to see which of the modules is complaining.
> Cheers

I have always maintained that every computer controlled machine needs a DWYFT
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