[mythtvnz] High quality cables

Don Robertson don at robertson.net.nz
Sun Feb 15 21:32:42 GMT 2015

> Coax cables conducting UHF are touchy.Even a crushed section where someone
> stepped on the cable can ruin the signal.Quality of the core material and
> shielding is very important.
> -Paul

Things did not go quite as planned. I wound up having to put some holes in the 
wall pulled out the old aerial cable. Note - this is the one that was going to 
the TV, not to the silicon dust tuner, and was working fine.

Anyway - about half way down the wall, the aerial cable was cut in half, and 
the shielding from each half was twisted together on one side, and the core 
twisted together on the other side of the cable.  

So on the plus side, I've now got Cat6 cabling into the office and to the living 
room, a new phone line into the office, and a lot of new aerial cable installed. 
On the down side, I have to finish fixing the holes and paint the office.

I'm also wondering if I keep using the term 'professional quality' but don't 
know what it means. Every time I do something around here, I see what a crappy 
job the 'professionals' did the first time. For example, years ago I noticed 
the TV aerial was waving around in the slightest wind. I had a look and it was 
held on by a couple of screws going into a sheet of galvanized iron. Another 
thing that is really annoying is the roof goes so far into the guttering that 
you can't clean it out without cutting your hands on the roof. One section of 
guttering is drained by a 25 mm pipe that runs into another down-pipe. 

Don't get me started.

Grumpy from Halswell

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