[mythtvnz] hdhomerun doesn't connect on restart when connected directly to the lan port
Stephen Worthington
stephen_agent at jsw.gen.nz
Sun Apr 28 02:15:06 BST 2013
On Sun, 28 Apr 2013 11:16:39 +1200, you wrote:
>On Sat, 27 Apr 2013 16:29:41 +1200, Stephen Worthington
><stephen_agent at jsw.gen.nz> wrote:
>> On Sat, 27 Apr 2013 14:37:28 +1200, you wrote:
>>> On Sat, Apr 27, 2013 at 1:39 PM, Paulgir <paulgir at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Apr 27 13:13:42 myth dhcpd: No subnet declaration for eth0 (no IPv4
>>>> addresses).
>>>> Apr 27 13:13:42 myth dhcpd: ** Ignoring requests on eth0. If this is
>>>> not
>>>> what
>>>> Apr 27 13:13:42 myth dhcpd: you want, please write a subnet
>>>> declaration
>>>> Apr 27 13:13:42 myth dhcpd: in your dhcpd.conf file for the network
>>>> segment
>>>> Apr 27 13:13:42 myth dhcpd: to which interface eth0 is attached. **
>>>> Apr 27 13:13:42 myth dhcpd:
>>>> Apr 27 13:13:42 myth dhcpd:
>>>> Apr 27 13:13:42 myth dhcpd: Not configured to listen on any interfaces!
>>> Clearly you have misconfigured DHCP. It's probably working after 20
>>> seconds
>>> because it's defaulting back to link-local addresses.
>>> I know nothing about that DHCP server, but I think this looks wrong:
>>>> host myth-eth0 {
>>>> hardware ethernet 14:da:e9:dc:51:a1;
>>>> fixed-address;
>>>> }
>>> DHCP servers listen on a network interface - it can't function until the
>>> interface has an IP address. So obviously you can't use a DHCP server to
>>> assign an IP address to the interface that the DHCP server is supposed
>>> to
>>> be listening on. But that's what this configuration seems to be trying
>>> to
>>> do. You should assign to eth0 in the normal way (whatever
>>> that is
>>> for ubuntu) and leave this section out.
>>> subnet netmask {
>>>> range;
>>>> option subnet-mask;
>>>> option broadcast-address;
>>>> option routers;
>>>> }
>>> I can't imagine you need the "option subnet-mask" line in there - you
>>> already supplied the netmask.
>>> I assume "option routers" is setting the gateway on the client
>>> interface.
>>> But the client is not going to be able to connect to - it's
>>> not
>>> on the same subnet and there is no router or anything to help. This
>>> should
>>> be set to the address of the myth box on that subnet, i.e. If
>>> the hdhr needs connectivity to the rest of the network then you'll need
>>> to
>>> do some iptables config on the myth box.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Steve
>> Steve is right, I have just been testing the config on my laptop. I
>> connected it via WiFi and put its eth0 onto my spare 100 Mb/s ethernet
>> switch so it thinks there is an ethernet connection and tried out the
>> config. The dhcpd server can not assign the address to the eth0 port
>> and then serve addresses to the same port - the eth0 port has to be
>> manually configured before the dhcpd server starts.
>> Disconnect the ethernet cable from the MythTV box. Edit
>> /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf. Delete the entire "host" declaration. Delete
>> the "option subnet-mask" line from the subnet declaration. Change the
>> "option routers" setting to Save the file. Then go to the
>> Network Manager widget, right mouse button, Edit connections, Wired
>> and edit the setup for the eth0 port (by default it will be called
>> "Wired connection 1". Set up the eth0 port with a manual IPV4 IP
>> address of, netmask Set the gateway address
>> to the address of the WiFi port shown by ifconfig. Leave the DNS
>> servers and Search domain settings empty. Save the config. Connect
>> the ethernet cable to eth0.
>> Run the command:
>> start isc-dhcp-server
>> Run ifconfig and it should show for the IPv4 address. And
>> "ps -e | grep dhcp" should show that dhcpd is running. Plug in the
>> HDHomerun and see if it works - I think by default dhcpd will log a
>> message in syslog about it getting a lease, but I can not test that
>> here as I do not have a spare device to connect to that ethernet that
>> needs an address via DHCP.
>Ifconfig tells me that is the IPv4 address.
>ps -e | grep dhcp gives no output
>Syslog says (eth0) ip6 addr conf timed out or failed
>Wifi does not work
>HDHR does not work
Well, it worked on my laptop, so there must be something different on
your system. I have been presuming that your WiFi port was getting
its IP address by DHCP either from your WiFi router or your Internet
router (if they are not one and the same thing). Is that true? That
was the setup I was running with my laptop. That config should have
had no affect whatsoever on the WiFi interface - are you sure you set
the INTERFACE="eth0" in the /etc/default-isc-dhcp-server file?
We need quite a bit more information to work out what went wrong. What
does ifconfig show? What does dhcpd -t show? What does grep -i dhcp
/var/log/syslog show (just the bits for the latest boot)?
And there was nothing in that config that should have changed the IPv6
operation either. The ip6 message may be a red herring - it could
well have been occurring before. Please check back in the logs before
the change of config to see.
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