[mythtvnz] Diagnosing recording wrong channel

Steve Hodge stevehodge at gmail.com
Thu Jun 21 07:00:51 BST 2012

On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 3:50 PM, Worik Stanton <worik.stanton at gmail.com>wrote:

> select channum,chanid,callsign,name,recpriority,mplexid,serviceid from
> channel where channum<  100 order by (channum+0);

Really would have been better to include sourceid in that query. And
probably don't need the where clause either:
select sourceid, channum, chanid, callsign, recpriority, mplexid,
serviceid, freqid from channel order by callsign;

Looking at log files I see it recorded from channel number 1041

| channum | chanid | callsign         | name             | recpriority
| mplexid | serviceid |
|         |   1041 | TV3              | TV 3             |           0
|    NULL |         0 |

| 3       |   1003 | TV3              | TV3              |           0
|       4 |      1300 |

Notice that 1041 and 1003 are both TV3. Do you have an analogue recorder?
It looks like 1041 is an analogue channel. It probably has incorrect tuning
data. Probably what is happening is that the scheduler is assigning
something else to record on the DVB tuner and assigning CSI or whatever to
record on 1041. This can happen because the two channels have the same
callsign and matching guide data. But 1041 isn't actually TV3 - the tuning
data is wrong.

FYI, channum is really only used to select a channel using the number keys
in the frontend. It's perfectly ok for it to be null. Callsign is what the
scheduler uses to identify a channel (as in a stream of video with a
program schedule). Chanid specifies a particular channel on a particular

If you are using those channels with null channel number then fix up the
tuning data. If you are not using them then either delete them or set the
"visible" column to false for those rows.

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