[mythtvnz] DVB-T working in NZ

Paul Kendall paul at kcbbs.gen.nz
Mon May 5 09:18:50 BST 2008

I've done a lot of work on getting running with DVB-T in NZ.
I have updated ffmpeg, with all the mythtv patches, I have added a new aac 
parser (very simple) for LATM aac (DVB stream type 0x11) and a new aac 
decoder that does full LATM unwrapping before passing on to an un-patched 

You can download my modified source from http://pkendall.homeip.net

Make sure you compile with MMX enabled otherwise you will get stuttery 
playback. Also, you have to enable "Extra audio buffering" in the first 
playback setup screen. Give it a go and let me know how you get on.

It uses 100% in my 1.6Ghz Core2 Duo. i.e. one whole core! Also, there are 
artifacts on the interlaced channels.So obviously there are things that need 
to be looked at.

Paul Kendall.

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