[mythtvnz] X works, but Myth does not.

Jonathan Hoskin jonathan.hoskin at gmail.com
Mon Jul 14 22:15:34 BST 2008

I originally spent weeks trying to get HDMI working on my 42" with
Fedora. A great way to open the WAF balance.

In the end, I booted into Windows, used powerstrip (or something
similar, can't really remember) to find the actual mode properties
that worked under Windows. It was pretty easy to then translate this
into a modeline for Xorg.


On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 10:04 PM, Steve Hodge <stevehodge at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 8:49 AM, AlanP <alan.p at orcon.net.nz> wrote:
>> At 09:56 p.m. 13/07/2008, you wrote:
>>> If you can, try a VGA cable
>> Tried that.
>> This is truly bizarre, the drivers seem to keep pulling modelines out of
>> their ass.
>> I've attached my xorg.conf and Xorg.0.log files to this email. As you can
>> see, there is NOTHING in xorg.conf resembling a modeline for, say, 1440x900,
>> or 1600x1200, but X merrily loads into it anyway (and my panasonic 42",
>> expecting 1360x768, promptly goes black and sulks.)
> The FireGL module (fglrx) claims that 1600x1200 is a valid mode and that the
> virtual desktop size is set to 1600x1200. Check the documentation for that
> to figure out how to tell it what mode to use. It doesn't look like it's
> getting any info from the display as to what is valid so there should be
> some other way to give it a hint.
> Cheers,
> Steve
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