[mythtvnz] lirc and myth

Nick Rout mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Tue, 19 Jun 2007 11:42:23 +1200 (NZST)

On Tue, June 19, 2007 11:04 am, Barry Clearwater wrote:
> I think I had missed the i <info> button, thats helped heaps. Is it a
> must to set transcode to happen before the record, or can it be
> scheduled for say 2am?
> I'm reasonably up with mysql, so knew it wasn't lost. I'm stuck on
> setting up the DVD, in fact I was hoping mythtv simplified the whole dv=
> authoring thing with disk menus and the like.

I used the archiving tool to author a very short dvd (as a test) the othe=
day. There is a guide here
http://openmedia.co.nz/openmedia/content/view/76/59/ although I didn't
read that guide before doing the test and I managed to muddle through. Th=
keystrokes in particular can be a bit confusing, but Steve covers it very
well right at the start of his guide. I didn't burn the DVD, just made an
iso (as my mythbox doesn't actually have a DVD burner in it!). It seemed
to work fine. All transcoding takes time, and I don't know what would
happen if I wanted to watch/record at the same time. I was converting an
xvid avi to DVD so there was quite a bit of transcoding to do to convert
it to the mpeg2 codec/format required on a DVD. If you are taking a myth
recording and converting to DVD there would be less work to do.

The other option is to transcode down to an avi, which will take a lot
less room, but will lose quality (as Steve mentioned). I haven't done thi=
in myth, but I am pretty familiar with doing it in avidemux. You would
then place the avi into your mythvideo folder and play it via mythvideo
rather than "watch recordings".

> Mythtv has just saved our bacon with the 2yr old, our 29" Sony has
> chosen now to drop its lopti and is probably either heading for a repai=
> or its lcd 22" replacement time. Having TV available via mythtv fronten=
> on the laptop was brilliant.

Life will never be the same! Your 2 year old will never know the angst of
having to be near a TV in time to watch some show s/he didn't want to

Nick Rout