[mythtvnz] lirc and myth

Steven Ellis mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Tue, 19 Jun 2007 08:51:26 +1200

Criggie wrote:
> Robin Gilks wrote:
>>> When I've made a recording it seems a good idea to want to transfer a
>>> movie over to video library so I can watch it over again, but I cant
>>> figure how to move it.
>> All the metadata (epg etc) associated with the file is held in the mysql
>> database and relates to just that one file in its original location -
>> moving the file doesn't change anything in the database so the metadata
>> doesn't move with the file.
> Correct
>> If you want to keep it, why not just go into the Watch Recordings screen
>> and press 'i' (info) and select to Preserve it and turn off Autoexpire.
>> That way it stays there until *YOU* decide to delete it.
> Bad - un-transcoded recordings take more disk space, and its disk space
> from your Recordings store.  I transcode mine to XviD then put the files
> either onto CD/DVD or onto another NFS server.  Transcoding also removes
> the ads, provided they are correctly marked.
> I can't advise re lirc - never used it.
Transcoding is Ok if

1. You have a digital signal
2. You have a standard CRT of 29" or below

I've found that my customers with large LCD and Plasma sets never
transcode. In fact they have quality issues with the TV1 and TV2
freeview feeds when compared with the higher bitrate TV3 + C4.

Just my 2c


Steven Ellis - Technical Director
OpenMedia Limited
email   - steven@openmedia.co.nz
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