[mythtvnz] EPG problems
Steve Hodge
Mon, 19 Dec 2005 17:55:04 +1300
On 12/19/05, Gary Te Young <gary@athomedownunder.com> wrote:
> Allowing access to the tv_grab_dvb script (or whatever the script name is=
> that uses the DVB-S card and the result is redirected to the user. Eg.
> www.something.com/tv_grab_dvb?days=3D4&... (whatever the other parameters=
> accepted by the tv_grab_dvb script. The stream output from the card is j=
> redirected where the user can save this to an xml file or whatever.
Is this really going to provide any real protection though, from a
legal point of view? I mean assuming disk->webserver->net is illegal
(note: I don't know), is tvcard->webserver->net likely to be legal?
I'd guess not. In fact I'd guess that using and republishing Sky's EPG
data this way is likely to be a far clearer breach of copyright than
manually generating the listings or even using a screen scraper.
> Yes but the issue here is storing the data on a server. Currently anyone
> who is storing this is getting cease and desist notice.
No, anyone allowing downloads of the data is getting a C&D. I doubt
TVNZ or anyone else will draw a distinction between a server serving
data from a file vs a server serving data directly for an alternative
hardware device like a DVB-S card. I can't see any legal difference
(IANAL though).
> This is why I am
> asking the question about using a script that connects to a DVB-S card wh=
> the site is not actually storing any data just passing through a stream f=
> the card.
It's the republishing that is supposedly illegal, AFAIK, not the
storing of the data.