[mythtvnz] EPG problems

Gary Te Young mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Mon, 19 Dec 2005 17:00:59 +1300

>I'm not sure what you are suggesting here - the ability of people to get to
>the raw dvb stream over the network direct to the mnachine in
>question doesn't seem feasible.

Allowing access to the tv_grab_dvb script (or whatever the script name is)
that uses the DVB-S card and the result is redirected to the user.  Eg.
www.something.com/tv_grab_dvb?days=4&... (whatever the other parameters are
accepted by the tv_grab_dvb script.  The stream output from the card is just
redirected where the user can save this to an xml file or whatever.

>Seems better to me that someone who can should get the data and upload
>it to an anonymous site as an xml file that anyone can download.

Yes but the issue here is storing the data on a server.  Currently anyone
who is storing this is getting cease and desist notice.  This is why I am
asking the question about using a script that connects to a DVB-S card where
the site is not actually storing any data just passing through a stream from
the card.

Gary Te Young

@Home Downunder Ltd