[chbot] USB silly-scope

Andrew McDougall a.mcdougall at aucom.com
Sun Mar 2 19:03:26 GMT 2008

 Hi Hanno
Supporting local industry - Huntsbury circuits (235 Brougham St ph 365
3884). Only up to 2 layer .

Anyone interested?  Where should I have them made?  I've heard good
things about  goldphoenixpcb.biz...

		On Sat, Mar 1, 2008 at 4:08 PM, Chris Hellyar
<chris at trash.co.nz> wrote:

			Just thinking about this a bit more, and what I
use my CRO for.
			How would you go for an analog front end on this
if you were to DIY a
			scope?  Or were you just thinking about using it
for low voltage stuff
			where isolation & input range isn't so much an
			I'm thinking large DC offsets, like 80 vdc
offset, looking for a 5 volt

			On Thu, 2008-02-21 at 09:17 +1300, Hanno Sander
			> Hi,
			> My program "ViewPort" lets you use the
Propeller as a 40Mhz Oscilloscope when used
			> with a $5US Analog Digital Converter.  If more
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