[chbot] New list apologies

Nick Rout chchrobotics@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Mon, 11 Sep 2006 14:01:09 +1200

Well I signalled a while ago that the list may have to change as my email
infrastructure was changing. And so it has come to pass that I have had to
prevail on my friend Jim Cheetham to provide the ChCh Robotics Group with
their infrastructure.

You should have just received a "welcome" message with the new group
mailing and archive addresses. I tiook the libery of subscribing all 53
members of the old list to this new list, and I hopefully set the "digest"
options right for those that get a digest only.

Unfortunately if you filter your email into folders you may need to correct
your filter. I usually filter mailing lists on the List-Id hgeader which
for this new list is:

List-Id: Christchurch Robotics  <chchrobotics.lists.linuxnut.co.nz>

Any problems with the new list please let me know. Any postings in the last
week  and a bit are preserved and after I have sorted the spam I will be
feeing them into the new list (hopefully).

Sorry about the delay in getting service up and running again.

List Admin.