[Templates] more than one tag style

Phil Harley phil_harley@tnb.com
Sat, 04 Jan 2003 23:13:39 -0600

Does anyone know of a way to use more than one tag style at a time. I 
would like to say
 TAG_STYLE => 'star:template', and have it process the star tags , then 
the template tags.

I am trying to use splash menus and need to make the menu items dynamic 
at runtime.
 the directive [% tabs = [ { link => 'url', text => 'menu item name' }
                                        { link => 'url2', text => 'menu 
item 2 name' ]

I would like to make this:
       [% tabs = [ <* IF sec = 1 *> { link => 'url', text => 'menu item 
name' } <* END *>
                          <* IF sec = 1 *> { link => 'url2', text => 
'menu item 2 name' } <* END *> ]

Any suggestions would be welcomed.

Thanks Phil...