[Templates] Cookbook Status
Andy Wardley
Tue, 12 Mar 2002 15:29:08 +0000
On Mon, Mar 11, 2002 at 11:38:42AM +0000, Mark Fowler wrote:
> What's the status with the cookbook atm? Should I just write something,
> or is there a template I should be using, etc, etc.
Write it now!
Anyone, and I mean anyone, is more than welcome to write a tutorial on
any subject relating to the Template Toolkit and I'll gladly include it
with the distribution.
Here's how:
1) First fetch the docsrc bundle from tt2.org and unpack in a TT2
distribution directory.
2) Write your tutorial as docsrc/src/Tutorial/XPath.tt2 (or some other name)
Don't bother adding any of the footers (e.g. copyright, author, etc.)
- they get added automatically. See Datafile.tt2 - this also shows how
you can insert the <intro>...</intro> section from the XML file (next
[% TAGS star -%]
[* USE wrap; page.intro | wrap(72) *]
=head1 How to do cool stuff with the XPath plugin
Yah yah yah the XPath plugin...
3) Edit docsrc/xml/ttdocs.xml copying a previous tutorial (e.g. Dave's
Datafile) and change the details accordingly.
<!-- Template::Tutorial::XPath -->
<page id="XPath"
about="Using the Template Toolkit XML XPath Plugin"
This tutorial shows how to use the XML XPath plugin...
4) Add yourself as an author to docsrc/lib/authors to match the 'author'
attribute in the XML file
mark = {
name = 'Mark Fowler'
email = 'mark.fowler@indicosoftware.com'
5) run docsrc/bin/ttmkdocs
6) perldoc docsrc/pod/Template/Tutorial/XPath.pod to see the results
7) Send me patches, sit back and have a beer. You're now an official
Template Toolkit documentation author and you've earned it. :-)