[Templates] TT2 syntax checker or lint?
Matthew Pressly
Wed, 06 Mar 2002 14:53:16 -0600
At 03:22 PM 3/6/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>>This is an *incredibly* hard thing to do.
>The original idea of having a "ttlint" is a really cool one though. I=
wonder if there's a way to just re-purpose the parser somehow, or if this=
would need to be a separate one. It could be much slower and simpler than=
the real TT parser, if it's just looking for stuff like unclosed IF tags.
>- Perrin
I could see reporting all errors being difficult, but I think adding=
balanced tag checking would not be too difficult. =20
I have not looked at all how the parsing is implemented for TT2, but I think=
even a separate perl script that reads the templates and checks for and=
reports unbalanced tags would not be too difficult. This is the case that=
I seem to spend the most time debugging. Even if the template parser was=
not of any help in writing a ttlint, I was thinking it might be possible to=
just convert the template into some form of overly simplistic perl=
(basically perl for the control flow and print statements or strings for=
everything else), then just run it through perl -w -c and use perl's built=
in error checking. Use strict would probably have to be turned off to=
avoid having to predeclare everything. Comments could be used to associate=
line numbers in perl with line numbers in TT2. I realize that TT2's parser=
in effect already does this and much more, but in some sense, the ttlint=
might need to be a little looser so that it could process the whole file=
into perl without quitting, and it could afford to be looser because it is=
doing only a static validation. Some things would be fatal to this type of=
lint, like [% without %], but that could be checked and reported explicitly=
first in a preprocessing step. Maybe I am oversimplifying the problem?
I.e. something like:
[% FOREACH item =3D list %]
<input name=3D"[% item.name %]" ...>
[% END %]
could be turned into something like:
# line 1
foreach my $item (@list) {
print q[<input name=3D"[% item.name %]">];
# line 3
so that if the [% END %] was missing, the } would be missing in perl.
Matthew Pressly