[Templates] forwarded message from advise@sunbusters.com
Vivek Khera
Wed, 6 Mar 2002 15:41:46 -0500
Whoever you are, advise@sunbusters.com, please fix your mail server
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Reply-To: Perrin Harkins <perrin@elem.com>
From: advise@sunbusters.com
Sender: templates-admin@template-toolkit.org
To: Vivek Khera <khera@kcilink.com>
Cc: templates@template-toolkit.org
Subject: Re: [Templates] TT2 syntax checker or lint?
Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2002 15:22:11 -0500
Vivek Khera wrote:
>>>>>>"MP" == Matthew Pressly <mpressly@claborn.net> writes:
> MP> or of any extraneous END tags. Another thing that could be
> MP> helpful would be to report all errors rather than just the first.
> MP> Does anything like this already exist? Matthew Pressly
> This is an *incredibly* hard thing to do.
The original idea of having a "ttlint" is a really cool one though. I
wonder if there's a way to just re-purpose the parser somehow, or if
this would need to be a separate one. It could be much slower and
simpler than the real TT parser, if it's just looking for stuff like
unclosed IF tags.
- Perrin
templates mailing list
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