[mythtvnz] Updated do_mhegpgsnoop.sh and xmltv-proc-nz for Andrew's .deb

Stephen Worthington stephen_agent at jsw.gen.nz
Fri Aug 5 11:45:10 BST 2022

Andrew Ruthven is working on a .deb file to install
mhegepgsnoop/xmltv-proc-nz.  This will use configuration files in:


rather than editing the do_mhegepgsnoop.sh and xmltv-proc-nz files
manually.  This is necessary as .deb installed files get overwritten
by new versions, so you can not safely edit them to change the
configuration settings.  I have merged Andrew's patches to do this,
and put the new versions of xmltv-proc-nz (0.6.2) and
do_mhegepgsnoop3.sh on my web server:


As well as Andrew's patch changes, I have also added support for using
a MAP_FILE by specifying one in the do_mhegepgsnoop.conf file.  This
uses the new mhegepgsnoop -b ("both") option, so map file mappings
will be applied first, then any unmapped channels will be fuzzy mapped
automatically.  This allows you to override any channel matches that
are fuzzy matched to the wrong xmltvid, and let the rest be done
automatically.  The default location for the MAP_FILE is:


There is no need for anyone to use these new versions unless you want
to change to using the new config file setup.  If the config files are
not found or are not readable, they will not be used and the default
settings will be used as before.

The config file for do_mhegepgsnoop.sh is:


This is a Bash script file that contains settings that will override
the defaults found at the top of your do_mhegepgsnoop.sh file.  Mine
looks like this:

root at mypvr:/etc/mythtv-epg-nz# cat do_mhegepgsnoop.conf
# Configuration for do_mhegepgsnoop.sh script.  This is a Bash script
# Settings in this file override the default values in the
# script file.


The json files for xmltv-proc-nz can be installed in
/etc/mythtv-epg-nz by running these commands:

sudo su
cd /etc
mkdir mythtv-epg-nz
chmod u=rwx,og=rx mythtv-epg-nz
cd /etc/mythtv-epg-nz
wget http://www.jsw.gen.nz/mythtv/xmltv-proc-nz-json.tgz
tar xvf xmltv-proc-nz-json.tgz
rm xmltv-proc-nz-json.tgz
chmod -R u=rwx,og=rx json

The new version of xmltv-proc-nz defaults to looking for its json
files in http://localhost/json and in /etc/mythtv-epg-nz/json, so if
you have previously put the json files on your web server and now
would like to move them to /etc/mythtv-epg-nz, you should remove them
from your web server first.  Otherwise they will be used twice (once
each from both locations).  Which should not cause any problems, but
will take twice as long to process the xmltv data.

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