[mythtvnz] Updated xmltv-proc-nz, epg.org.nz no longer responding to json downloads

Stephen Worthington stephen_agent at jsw.gen.nz
Mon Aug 1 09:41:27 BST 2022

The epg.org.nz web site is no longer responding to the json download
URLs used by xmltv-proc-nz, and that has triggered a bug where
xmltv-proc-nz fails instead of just logs a warning and continues.  So
I have put a new version (0.6.1) on my web server:


As well as the bug fix, this version also removes all attempts to
access epg.org.nz as each attempt takes a 5 second timeout before it
fails.  Everyone will need to update to this new version.

If you are hosting your own json downloads (which you should be doing
to make xmltv-proc-nz work properly and produce the best quality EPG
data), then please make sure that the correct URL is put in the
JSON_BASE_URLS list variable at the start of the xmltv-proc-nz file in
place of 'http://localhost/json'.

If you are not already self hosting the json data, then you will need
to set that up now.  If you are running a recent Ubuntu and have
mythweb installed, the easiest way to do this is to run these

sudo su
cd /var/www/html
wget http://www.jsw.gen.nz/mythtv/xmltv-proc-nz-json.tgz
tar xvf xmltv-proc-nz-json.tgz
chmod -R a=rwx json

That should set up your Apache2 web server to serve the json data on
http://localhost/json URLs.  You can also untar the
xmltv-proc-nz-json.tgz file in a directory somewhere that is
accessible to xmltv-proc-nz when run as the user you normally run it
from, and then replace the 'http://localhost/json' in JSON_BASE_URLS
with a file:/// URL that points to that directory.

You should do this update as soon as possible as the epg.org.nz site
has not been working for several days and shortly you will be using
the reduced quality EPG data that happens when xmltv-proc-nz is not
being used or is not working.  This may result in re-recording of
repeated programmes, or other such problems.

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